I help businesses fix their marketing and sell more.

Nail Your Message

Turn Leads Into Buyers

Add Zeros to $ales

You don’t have to take my word for it:

Graham helped us distill our message to announce a branding relaunch. His messaging and copywriting expertise definitely connected with our audience in a big way. We couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome!
— Michael B, CEO Overstory Analytics
Our website was getting traffic, but it wasn’t translating into more patients for our clinic. After working with Graham on fresh copy (and making a few other changes he suggested), we started seeing a difference almost right away!
— Dr. Jessica Parker

I’m Graham Burke


I never lose sight of Job One - putting more money in your cash drawer.

Would you and I be a good fit? Maybe.

If you’re comfortable being a clone of others in your field or selling something that doesn’t deliver on its promise, there are plenty of other writers to choose from. You should call one of them.

On the flip, if you offer a genuine product or service that improves lives, I’m here to help you establish the credibility, trust, and authority you need to sell to your audience.

You’ll make more money, faster - and your audience will straight-up love you.

Hit me up. Let’s do some good together.